One of the greatest goals of the project is to show the importance of caring about others and the potential collective transformation that, from early on, each child carries with them. The Project consists of a community work that involves the pedagogical teams and the Primary school students. Our pupils have the opportunity to open up to new experiences, sometimes far from their own, awakening their ability to empathy, respect, cooperation, appreciation to diversity and social responsibility.

“The hand-in-hand Culture is one of the many community work projects that allows our students the opportunity to develop attitudes of respect, cooperation and appreciation of diversity, apart from promoting the consciousness that the individual actions can make a different to improve our society.”
Actions of the Project:
- – Exchange of experience with partner institutions;
- – Sensibilization of the students from Primary school from Móbile done by the staff and helpers and the grade coordinator;
- – Discussion in class about the social problems of our city and measurement of hypothesis about the causes and consequences of the big cultural difference;
- – Measurement of common aspects present in groups that belong to different socioeconomical levels;
- – Presentation of films, fotos or Graphic material to the institutions that participate in the Project;
- – Presentation of an exchange proposal to the partner institutions~
- – Disclosure of the Project to other grades from Primary School;
Which institutions have taken pat in our project?
- – CAJEC, an NGO that offers assistance to children and teenagers who have cancer in Brazil and Latin America (in 2015);
- – CEU Capão Redondo (in 2015);
- – ONG TUMM – Todos Unidos Mudaremos o Mundo (Everyone united will change the world), located in Mococa (SP) (in 2015);
- – CCAs (Centro da Criança e do Adolescente) (House of the Child and Teenager): the NAIA and the CCA Santa Teresa (in 2015);
- – Centro para Crianças e Adolescentes – CIAP São Patrício (in 2014);
- – Sociedade Benfeitora Jaguaré;
- – Viva e Deixe Viver;
- – Casa de São José;
- – Projeto Arrastão;
- – Abrigo Lar Maria e Sininha;
- – Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutricional;
- – Instituição Gente é para brilhar (donation of 1199 books, 31 comic books and 75 informative magazines);
- – Instituição Arte Educação – Library;
- – Quilombo de Ivaporunduva (Petar) – Library;
- – Comunidade de moradores do Edifício Prestes Maia – donation of 600 literature books and 320 school books;
- – Creche Adélia Curi – donation of 300 literature books;
- – Instituição Arte Educação (donation of 650 comic books);
- – Centro de Apoio da Polícia Militar à comunidade carente da Zona Leste – donation of 450 literature books.