We understand school as a space of access to knowledge, expansion of cultural library, of qualified social interaction that allows the construction of thoughts that contribute to the professional choice of the students at the end of High School.
In the last step of Basic Education, apart from the curricular subject Life Project offered to the 1st year students of High School and the themed activities structured in elective workshops for 2nd and 3rd grade, we develop a project of Professional Orientation organized in two main axes: in the first ax our students make monitored visits, consultations and publishing about different careers and take part in lectures and directed meetings. In the second ax they detect their personal preferences, their abilities and skills and also understand their academic advantages and difficulties to base their choices.

“It’s at school that the students recognize themselves as a person and understand themselves as product and producer of their story and social context. It’s the knowledge of themselves and the environment around them that will help them build a consistent life project.”