We keep a consistent group of projects connected to performing arts because we understand that this artistic language favor the creativity, the perception of alterity, the development of orality and the body expression, the autonomy, capability of working cooperatively, empathy, text interpretation, among other essential skills for the contemporary world. For over a decade, we develop in the 9th grade of the part-time period, the project 9th In Scene in which all the students from this grade are involved in a big thematic theatrical play. Starting from a text-mosaic, structured from poems, tales, chronicles, romance adaptations, songs, our students direct, represent, sing, dance and play musical instruments. In the 9th grade Bilingual Program of the full-time period, the classes, after months of rehearsals and preparations, present a montage representative of the world dramaturgy totally spoken in English. Besides that, the 9th grade classes of both periods rehearse theatrical scenes that are presented at the end of the school year, in the graduation ceremony. In High School, it’s tradition to have a montage of a theatrical play done by the students of the 3rd grade. This show, that is directed and produced by the teachers and coordinators with the collaboration of performing arts professionals, is presented to a crowd of families, educators and students in the graduation event of the class. “Our theatrical shows show abilities and skills such as readiness, self-confidence, empathy, cooperation and language transposition. Besides that, the montages are excellent opportunities for the students to express themselves artistically, appreciated by the public.”

“Our theatrical shows show abilities and skills such as readiness, self-confidence, empathy, cooperation and language transposition. Besides that, the montages are excellent opportunities for the students to express themselves artistically, appreciated by the public.”