O novo Contraturno da Móbile é um programa especialmente pensado para expandir a vivência escolar de nossos alunos e alunas de 2 a 7 anos: do Infantil 2 ao 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental (alunos do Programa Regular) e do Infantil 4 ao 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental (alunos do Programa Bilíngue).
Morning: From 8h10 to 12h40
Afternoon: From 13h00 to 17h30
Afternoon: From 13h00 to 17h30
Nosso novo Contraturno conta com um portfólio diversificado de atividades, que têm como objetivo o desenvolvimento socioemocional, motor e cognitivo das crianças. Também consideramos tempo para brincadeiras, descanso, almoço e lição de casa.
Segura e acolhedora, nossa casa está localizada pertinho da Móbile, em frente à entrada da Rua Araguari. Nela, nossas crianças terão a oportunidade de vivenciar experiências que marcarão suas histórias, acompanhadas de educadoras e educadores especializados e, também, de outras crianças, de diferentes idades.
The amount is charged in 12 installments. Lunch, snacks and transportation are already included in the program.
* Taxa de reserva: R$535,00, descontados da mensalidade de dezembro.Contact our Service Department
The students can participate in the activities offered in the new After-hours from one to five times a week, from Monday to Friday, from 8h10 to 12h40 or from 13h to 17h30. Our activities end immediately before or after regular classes.
Our program welcomes children from Early Childhood 2 to 2nd year of Elementary School (2 to 7 years old).
Our students from the morning period are transported to the After-hours right after they finish their classes. At the start, they have lunch and prepare themselves for the local experiences. The students from the afternoon period start their day with the After-hours activities, have lunch and then are transported by our team to the school. The After-hours can be attended from one to five times a week, according to the family’s interest.
The transportation is done by a vehicle exclusively destined to After-hour students. The cost of the transportation is included in the tuition.
Lunch and snack in the After-hours is offered by Quitanda, the partner responsible for feeding our students and collaborators. The cost of it is included in the tuition.
Our classes put together children from different ages. Each group has diverse experiences throughout the year, aimed at the socio-emotional, motor and cognitive development of the children. These experiences are structured in six big areas.
• Sports;
• Arts;
• Playing outside;
• Languages;
• Games;
• Culinary.
We also consider time for games, resting, lunch and homework.
Each class is supervised by an educator responsible for fully supporting the children during After-hours. Besides that, we have specialized teachers dedicated to proposing the activities connected to the big areas contemplated in the program.
The After-hours has its own team of educators guided by the same values that, for almost 50 years, assure the excellence of our pedagogical program.
The activities follow Móbile’s school calendar.
The price is divided in 12 installments, from January to December, according to the number of days chosen by the family. Lunch, snack and transportation are included.
• 1x a week - R$ 1.000,00
• 2x a week - R$ 1.803,00
• 3x a week - R$ 2.550,00
• 4x a week - R$ 3.400,00
• 5x a week – R$ 4.250,00
Yes. However, we ask that your request is sent at least 15 days prior to the change.
Yes. However, we ask for 7 days of advance notice.
Our program proposes a continuous development from our students. Because of it, it’s not possible to participate only on specific days.
Our activities, at this time, are restricted to the school calendar and are not included during vacations.
From 8h10, we greet the pupils enrolled in the morning period that stay in the After-hours until 12h40, time that they will have had lunch and will be transported to school. The children from the afternoon period will arrive at 13h to have lunch and start their activities that will finish at 17h30. The families from the morning period have the option to leave their kids after 8h10. The ones from the afternoon period can pick them up before 17h30. We ask that, because of security measures, these decisions are officially told to the After-hours Coordination.
Contact our Service Department: contraturno@escolamobile.com.br